Thursday, March 24, 2005

Time and Space, and Dragons

I have time and space in which to think... what an oddity! School ended yesterday, and we are now on Spring Break, though, by a combination of circumstances, I will not be going home until this evening.

Ergo, time. My roommate has already left for her home in Georgia, and the campus is well-nigh empty. Ergo, space. I keep turning on music, and then forgetting to turn on more when the last round of croonings is spent. The silence fascinates me. It is that time of year when bird song seems an astonishment, and, as a friend told me, "Spring is just crouching, reading to pounce."

I am not unhappy here alone, especially since my loneliness will be of short duration. Last night I went out with three Dragons (I am a sort of novice Dragon myself) in our black leather jackets, to a restaurant for late supper after class. What pleasure it is to know girls who love Christ, and are single, and are happy to be single! It is a dangerous delight, and one which bears close watching in several directions, yet the aspect of it which pleases me is a dependence on and love for God, sans the idol of "marriage." It isn't that they want to be power women or feminists. Most of them babysit and enjoy the prospect of romance, children, etc. It is only that they are satisfied with Christ, and glad to be what they are, where they are, when they are.

I can learn much from such contentment.

The Dragons are dear girls; we have chocolate wars and back rubs and tea and talks. We laugh together, hurt together, serve God together. It is in every way the most pleasant girl time I've ever spent outside of my home.

Then, too, each Dragon is different. Serena is our good angel, blond and quietly virtuous, domestic, sweet, fun when she lets her hair down, elegant and appropriate in company. Prinka, that curly-headed model of cuteness, can be perfectly scandalous. If I were to color-code the Dragons, she would be our Pink. She loves being a girl, and is a girl from beribboned head to dainty toe, but she is a girl in love with God.

Octavia is Red, with all the boldness of red, but also all the warmth of it. More scandalous than Prinka, but also wise, her joy of life and joy in Christ are provoking. Of the seven Dragons, Diana is most intense, most muselike and driven. The rest of us find it our business to make her laugh, relax, and descend from Olympian heights of literature for a little sport on earth.

Those are four of the Dragons; there are three others, but I see less of them. I am not a Dragon myself, but I think... yes, I really do think that I should like to be one, next year. This year I will content myself with curling my hair and using pink ribbons with Prinka, or discussing with Serena the roles and responsibilities of a teacher, or being melodramatic with Octavia, or writing with Diana.

Of course all this is tempered by the fact that the High Queen is my best friend on campus. With her I am completely myself, serious as well as silly, and we do so enjoy loving God together!


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