Friday, June 10, 2005

An Awfully Big Adventure

I love Peter Pan, Sarah, and your quote was marvelously appropriate. Living is an awfully big adventure.

For example, this weekend: I've got the Singles Meeting tonight at CLC (always a highlight of the month), followed by a drive through the beautiful VA countryside to (guess where?) PHC tomorrow. I'll be staying on campus with Brittainy. We're going to try to catch an afternoon matinee of Cinderella Man (dumb title, promising movie), and then go to caregroup (Huzzah!) in the evening. Sunday morning is Grace Community, and Sunday afternoon is either hanging out with Brittainy while she settles her new batch of campers in--I love messing with teenage minds--or perhaps Beans in the Belfry with Lisa, or maybe just (what a thought) an hour or two to sit quietly in the gazebo and remenisce.

The High Queen says that she wants to come when we reinstate our Evening Strolls in the fall. We'll have to adopt and invite a new gang of freshmen, plus the sophomore folks (can't wait, Kirsten!), and the original group, who are now seniors. We skipped over the juniors somehow. Wow, us, seniors. Guys, I'm so glad that we never became a clique. We so easily could have. Serious brownie points to Jonathan and Nathan for setting the standard of friendliness and keeping that from happening.

Speaking of which, Nathan and Jomoe are coming back this fall. Sweetness and light! All hail the return of the Fencing Master and the Frisbee Man. We've missed you guys and your British accents.

Yessir, it's an awfully big aventure. I'll let you know how it goes.


Blogger Ruhamah said...

Is it possible to fit a Dance, a Walk, and a Read-Aloud-at-Beans-in-the-Belfry into one weekend? I'm hoping so. All the same I shall have to come out several times. :-)

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a world... in which I discover on your blog an invitation to meet you for coffee on Sunday :). I would love to get together with you. All my weekend plans are currently up in the air because... umm... I am pursuing a project of great importance and uncertainty, but if all goes as planned I will soon have someone new to introduce to you. (No, it is nothing romantic.)

I'll be in touch... and if my project is successful, I will soon want to come up and see you at your place :). - Lisa

2:57 PM  
Blogger Praelucor said...

Just because it isn't something romantic doesn't mean we couldn't MAKE it something romantic... does it? ;-)

Just kidding. Writers, you know. A world of our own, that's where we live.

4:44 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

Y'all have a wonderful weekend - sounds lovely! Lisa, you are being awfully mysterious. :P

7:52 PM  
Blogger Pinon Coffee said...

Yup, definitely looking forward to coming back and walking.

Surely there are some rising juniors who would and really ought to come with us?

4:28 PM  
Blogger Praelucor said...

Yeah, the thing about the juniors is weird. I definitely KNOW juniors and have junior friends--though, you will recall, they have always been a fairly clannish group--but I couldn't name any who usually come on walks with us. It is odd, I grant.

9:33 AM  

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