Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Jist Wallowin'

I would now like to revel in my status as a sibling.

Being at home has it all over being at college in this very important respect: siblinghood. A sibling isn't just a person who has to love you no matter what. He/she is a sounding board, sometimes a punching bag, always a companion, and usually--in my family, at least--a sort of intimate hilarity. I can say more to Nate, Mike, Davy, Chare, or Burgee in one twist of an eyebrow than I could to my best friend at school in three minutes of verbal communication. Who doesn't admire that kind of depth and efficiency? Siblinghood, I tell you, is a wonderful thing.

And then there's the touchy-feely aspect. We are a cuddly family, which may surprise those of you who only know me at school. Danya and Churdee (Charity) give the most scrumptious hugs available, and at no charge. Burgee is a cuddlebug from the word "go," and Nate seldom fails to pat me on the head in passing. Mike and I tend to hold both hands while talking to one another. I dunno why--it's just another sibling thing. As for Mom and Dad... well, Mom is so huggable that you seldom see her without one of her children draped around her, unless she's in transit, which she often is. Mom, you see, has to rule the world in her spare time--and Daddy has to save it.

Being a sibling means that you cannot be bored, unless all of them are out of the house. Being a sibling means that there is always someone else to do the dishes with you, watch a movie with you, go food shopping or to Starbucks or to the backyard for a croquet game with you.

Being a sibling is just plain fun, once you've done all the work of getting to be friends with your sibs (which, ideally, should be accomplished in childhood).

And they're the only people in my world to whom I can say, without any qualifications or hasty caveats about what sort of emotion I am expressing...

"Baby, I love you!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Siblings are a gift to thank God for... the best of friends. I know all too often I take them for granted, assuming they will always be there, not taking time to develop our friendships, and this summer I am enjoying investing in their lives and getting to know them better :)! - Lisa

10:32 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

I'm with ya on this one, Christy. My siblings are a cuddly bunch, too. Lately I've been almost as overflowing with sheer familial joy as you, and whenever I see one of the other nine people scattered about the house, I want to hug them. :) At times this makes for a very happy but unproductive day. :D Unproductive, of course, in terms of all the things that need to be done at some point. Ah well.

10:55 AM  

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