Thursday, June 02, 2005

Today Was Just So Quotable

So I'm gonna quote it. Sorry for the length.... sort of. ;-)

“Well, your opinion [on Madagascar] is just wrong. [That movie is] hilarious!” – Davy to Garret
“An opinion can’t be wrong, by definition.” – Christy
“Garret has a special gift.” – Davy
“Oh, thanks!” – Garret
“You’re welcome!” – Davy

“This is Yoda!” – Davy, answering his phone

Christy “borrowed” Rhapsody from David…
“Shame on you! Shame on you and your whole family! Wait, that’s me.” – Davy to Christy
“Shame on your socks! Oh, woe! Not an innocent thief but an intending thief! Mourn your fate! Jesus has some strong things to say about thieves, Christina Joy! Forsooth! We’ll change your middle name to ‘Woe!’” – Davy to Christy
He went on for about five minutes. It was funny, but I was laughing too hard to get it all down.

“No, you take it. I only wanted it while you were in the other room. Now you’re back. Take of me my Rhapsody.” – Christy
“Oh no, I couldn’t.” – Davy
“Oh yes, you could.” – Christy
“Well, I could, but I wouldn’t. You take it.” – Davy
“Oh no, you.” – Christy
“Oh no, you!” – Davy
“If you keep arguing, I’m gonna take it!” – Garret

“This poor lady’s name is Beerwagon!” – Kelly, doing data entry.
“She probably did something wrong in a former life.” – Davy

“Can I ask you a personal question?” – Garret to Davy
“No.” – Davy

David exaggeratedly miming Josh Groban…. Oh wow…

“Women crave security in relationships, so being shaped like an airbag is a natural advantage!” – Davy

“The thing about Davy is that he’s so cuddly, you just can’t be mad at him for long.” – Christy, discoursing on the nature of her little brother to Kelly.

“I love eyebrows. They’re so useful and quirky. You can say anything with eyebrows.” – Christy

“Ah! The young squirt has returned. Now we can bribe him.” – Christy to Laura, about Davy (and chocolate fudge sundaes).

“Hi! Young Squirt, are you bribable?” – Christy to Davy, as he walks through the door.
“Potentially.” – Davy
“What if I said, ‘hot fudge sundaes from McDonalds, and if you go get them we’ll pay for yours’?” – Christy
“Okay.” – Davy
“You aren’t going to hold out for more? That takes all the fun out of it!” – Laura
“Hey, this is ice cream!” – Davy

“’Flushing out our chart series’!?!?! Please don’t say that! Oh, wait… ‘Finishing out our chart series. Okay.” – Christy

“You’re not quite my paradigm of manliness, but…” – Laura to Christy
“I hope not!” – Christy

“It’s not that you don’t have a right to it—it’s just that your speakers stink like all get-out.” – Davy
“Tell us how you really feel, Davy.” – Christy

“As soon as I gave it to him, I knew it was a mistake.” – Christy, watching Davy jam to the Madagascar soundtrack.

“Oh cool! Catharsis! I know about this! I’ve read Aristotle on this!” – Christy, writing quizzes.
“What do you love?” – Laura
“Catharsis!” – Christy
“Ah. Episode III, for example.” – Laura, with a wicked twinkle in her eye
“Um, how shall I put this… No!” – Christy, twinkling back
“Nice one, Laura!” – David

“Christy, are you composing an ode to Sparta?” – Davy
“She’s composing a quiz on Sparta, David.” – Laura
“Oh. I thought you were composing an ode. Which would cause me… mmmm… some concern.” – Davy

“Davy, please don’t get killed getting ice cream. I would be sad.” – Christy
“You ruin my fun. Every bit of it.” – Davy, grinning.

“No way! Somebody put ‘downtrodden slaves’ in this chart! That’s fantastic!” ::pause:: “I’m going to add ‘oppressed’—the downtrodden and oppressed slaves. Oh yes, this is good.” – Christy

“You want to be a Helot less than I want to live in the Middle Ages.” – Laura
“You… you… you comfort-loving Postmodernist!” – Christy
“No, you don’t understand. I actually do want to live in the Middle Ages.” – Laura
“Oh. Yeah. Of course. Doesn’t everybody?” – Christy
“Actually not, sadly enough.” – Laura

“Your mother only very rarely let me near any Teacher’s Notes or Student Activity Pages, because she knew that I would go nuts trying to systematize things that couldn’t be systematized.” – Laura

So Sean knocked over a table in Collating… and there were three guys, including the office manager, happily dancing in the reams of paper which are all over the floor.
“Isn’t any of this salvageable!?!?!” – Christy
“Nope!” – Garret, gleefully.
“Why did we just overturn a table?” – Charity
“On purpose!?” – Christy
“Because it’s Sean’s dream!” – Davy
“Christy. This is a table full of bloopers that we’ve been saving for this occasion all year.” – Nate, speaking from the depths of a pile of paper. Charity had buried him.
“Oh! In that case…” – Christy
“The Productions people would give their right hands for a chance to do this!” – Laura
There were something like three full boxes worth of paper on that table. We had a paper fight to end all paper fights. I’ll never forget the sight of Nate grinning while I threw a full ream of paper at his head, or Sean throwing up fistfuls of the stuff. It was glorious and completely unpremeditated.
I knew I loved my siblings. :-)

“There’s extra fudge, and then there’s above and beyond. The ‘above and beyond’ is what we’re after.” – Christy to Davy

“So Sean, are you here for some other reason than to knock over tables and frolic in paper?” – Christy
“I’m looking for a Chevy Chase ATM.” – Sean
“Ah.” – Christy

“I always wanted a mess of my very own.” – Christy

“Be bold, Dave!” – Christy to Davy, as he is leaving to get ice cream
::Davy seizes Christy’s head and kisses the top of it.::
“I didn’t mean about kissing me!” – Christy

“Are you quoting freakish moments from my past?” – Davy

“Charity stapled my shirt! And now I’ve gotta use the staple remover to kill her!” – Davy

“I’m going to my car, where I can sing as loud as I want!” – Charity

“Why is David lounging on the hood of Charity’s moving car?” – Christy
“He’s singing Think of Me Fondly to the occupant inside.” – Laura


Blogger sarah said...

Goodness, some of those are really funny... But do you get any work done? :D :D heh


6:37 PM  

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