Saturday, March 18, 2006

Spring Break? What's That?

"So, are you gonna goof off over spring break?"

I got this question a lot over the last few weeks, and my answer was always the same. A faint, ironic smile. A sensation of being about to say something counterintuitive. Then, "No, I'm going to be in the office all week."

It isn't that I regret the fact. I love my office, I enjoy writing Lit curriculum, and I don't mind making lots of money. Sure, I regret that I can't accept the invitation to join a few girls in a cottage on Chincoteague Island, but there will always be cool vacations to pass up, and why stew about it?

Today, however, I ran into a bit of a wall. It's Saturday, and because all next week is Spring Break, I don't have homework. I finished all my cleaning, ate lunch, and suddenly realized...

I didn't have anything to do.


I grabbed my car keys. "I'll be at the office if anybody needs me, Danya!"
"Hold on a second!" My little brother said, much aggrieved. "You're going to work on Saturday?"
"I don't have homework and I don't have anything to do... and I think I've forgotten how to relax."

Davy had a fit. He dragged me downstairs, forced me to pick out a movie, and chained me to a chair, with a stack of comic books on my lap, in front of the TV.

"But I don't want to watch TV! I don't even like TV!"
"Tough! Good grief, it's spring break! You've got to relax!"

Mom came in and backed him up. Traitor. "Good for you, Davy!" She said approvingly, and went off to enjoy her own packed-as-usual schedule. I gave the huffle of a miffed snail.

After awhile, I did manage to escape. My three younger siblings are still downstairs watching the movie... I think they're somewhere in the middle of the third hour of our six-hour copy of Ivanhoe. I wish them joy of it, but I just remembered that I have a 15-page paper due at the end of the semester.

No time like the present to start work on it. :-D

Davy would have another fit if he knew....

But he doesn't. ;)

I guess the only thing about all this that bothers me a little bit is the fact that I really, truly, honestly don't know how to just "have fun" any more. I'm always on the move, and extra time is bewildering to me.

Somehow, I don't think that's quite right. :-/


Blogger Lisa Adams said...

Christy, dear,

We miss you, too. And pray for me that I will be diligent even while on vacation and accomplish all the school I need to.

Make sure you take time to relax, sleep, pray, enjoy your family ...

See you after spring break!

11:41 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

I know exactly how you feel. It took me over a month at home to snap out of workaholic mode. You're constantly switching between home and PHC, so you have it much worse. Trust me. You'll relearn how to have fun at some point. :P

Meanwhile, I don't have spring break either. :) I took my own crazy week off when I struck out for PHC three weeks ago. :)

7:06 PM  

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