Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I had completely forgotten...

.... how beautiful Colorado is. We just got in to Denver by plane. Flying is still magical to me, and Denver (being the first Western city I ever saw) still has an otherworldly charm, though it has been ten years since I last visited it.

More later. Must consult with Dad on Hindu philosophy and Confucius. :-P


Blogger sarah said...

Yes. Can you imagine people exploring West and coming upon those mountains for the first time? *feels history shuddering down her spine* Ooh!

6:21 PM  
Blogger Lisa Adams said...

Dear, your post makes me want to cry ... Colorado is my 2nd home :). 30 miles north of Denver, in a little farmhouse on the plains, looking up at the mountains ... sometime I want to go back there :). The mountains are breathtaking. Can you do any hiking during your trip?

6:32 PM  
Blogger BrittainyA said...

Oh! I've just been reading A Severe Mercy, which talks about the way Beauty hurts. So true! Enjoy Colorado, take deep breaths, and drop a thought or two when you fly over Missouri.

7:24 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

You're in Missouri, unknown fly? So am I! Small world.

10:16 PM  

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