Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hangin' On...

A sample of my work environment, since it also constitutes my life right now, seems appropriate. :-) Please pray for me--the work goes hard, but well.

“Marcia? Are you near Scott?” – Grace on IM, trying to get hold of Dad.
“In what sense? Spiritual? Ecumenical? Physical?” – Mom

“I’m not feeling like the fittest survivor right now…” – Christy

“This girl’s last name is Coffee. If that’s not a sign from God, I don’t know what is.” Grace, entering orders while coffee-deprived.

“As advertised, it died.” – Mom on her battery-dead cell phone.

“Last year you wanted to move to Tuscany, and now it’s Montana! What will it be next?” – Christy to Mom
“Hopefully something closer to home. This is a good trajectory so far.” – Laura

Scene: Christy, after Tuesday prayer, finds a small scented note on her seat. She picks it up, and immediately bursts out laughing.
“Where is Laura? I’m going to kill her!” – Christy, still laughing.
“What!?!” – Casey
“She left a random unsigned love note on my seat!” – Christy
::David immediately seizes the note and begins to read aloud::
“Most excellent Christina, I love you dearly and forever. The sparkle of your eyes is like the coruscations of light off a plashing brook. Your brilliance dazzles like amicable lightning. Your sense of care is as sweet as June roses to the tired nostril. And I thought it was important enough to write it down on paper. Yours sincerely, etc.”
::Laura cautiously reappears, having gone down to the other warehouse while the note was found and read::
“But why?” – Casey
“Well, yesterday when Jay said that she had a note in the curriculum for Christy, Christy was teasing her and asking if it was a love note and said that she always wanted one on paper. So I made her one and scented it.” - Laura
“You…. ::Christy sniffs the note:: … Ugh, you did! Wow.”
“I figured it would take her about twenty seconds to figure out who did it.” – Laura
“Oh, I recognized your handwriting.” – Christy
“You have just earned yourself the nickname of ‘the amorous bandit.’” – Davy to Laura in a pleased tone.
“You know, Laura, I must say it was a nice progression of similes.” – Christy, thoughtfully
::Laura snorts with laughter:: “Thank you.”

“Why is there a comma there?” – Mom to Davy
“Because I like commas a lot.” – Davy
“Someone should teach you to write.” – Mom

“Good grief…” Christy to herself, finishing off an appallingly long list of epic traits.
“I agree. That indentation is terrible.” – Laura, from behind her
“Um, I wasn’t talking about that…” – Christy
“I know, but I wanted to remind you that your life could be much more petty and detailed. I, for example, have a whole box full of purple pens.” – Laura, clearly under the influence of editorship

“I’m going home for lunch now! It’s not because I don’t like the rest of you; it’s just that you aren’t edible.” – Davy

“I’m pretty sure that in the old English spelling it’s like that” – Christy, in answer to Laura’s question about “prophesy”
“Is it like that in the real… um, the current English spelling too?” – Laura
“I think so. Nice recovery.” – Christy
“I try not to show that I’m a reverse chronological snob.” – Laura

“You want to know how much more surreal your life could be, Christy?” – Laura
“Sure!” – Christy
“Choc and Pik play a powerful game of Pok-a-tok.” – Laura, reading aloud from her Tapestry editing.
“But you can’t guess from the names which one is a minor deity and which is a human boy.” – Laura


Blogger sarah said...

hahaha! You all get more hilarious the more exhausted and stressed you are, I guess. That's the best selection yet.

6:55 PM  
Blogger Pinon Coffee said...

::giggles heartily:: Keep up the quotage!!

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna work there! Wah.

Speaking of spiritual-ecumenical-physical, we need to talk about Cyrano soon.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Praelucor said...

Well, old chap, all you have to do is develop some skills that Tapestry can use. ;) As for Cyrano, you have my cell phone number I hope. Feel free to use it at any time--the creative team has 24-hour access to my brain (though why you'd want it... :-P). Thanks for all your help on this project, Peter! So far it has been extremely valuable. :-)

5:21 PM  

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