Friday, May 04, 2007

So It's Been Awhile...

I have reasons. Honest. My expression at the moment resembles that of this quasi-psychotic chold. And I'll be happy to tell you why...
We started off last month with a nice little entree of finishing Unit 1, then moved on the main course---a 90-page paper (my Senior project) due on my mentor's desk May 15th. Naturally, I had to choose a topic like Absolute Beauty. A couple days earlier this week were devoted to the 33-page (single-spaced) Medieval Frameworks document for Lampstand. The monster-paper is still in progress.


Add the little (NOT) matter of David and Casey's wedding on April 29th....

Graduation is May 19th, so I wouldn't expect an awful lot before the 21st (the day Feivel moves to our house) or even the 30th (since I will be at a huge conference in NC between the 26th and 29th).

Basically, if I survive May, I'll be back. If not, you can put the following on my tombstone:

"She fulfilled her goal. She went to Heaven tired."

Now, mind you, I'm not complaining. All this was always going to happen. And I'm not overwhelmed or panicking (that was the last two weeks). Nevertheless, prayers would be much appreciated. :-)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad not to need the grace you're going to receive. ;-) Love and prayers.

9:46 PM  
Blogger J. Nathan Matias said...

And you have them.

11:00 AM  

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