Saturday, May 26, 2007

Why I Love My Job (Today)

I'm sure I'll have a different set of reasons tomorrow, but right now it's because I am sitting here reading and writing about drama. Cool drama. Amazing drama. Medieval drama---renaissance drama---Stanislavsky!

Stanislavsky is the mid-nineteenth-to-mid-twentieth-century Russian guy who came up with the "affective memory" method of acting that so many modern authors use today. By the time I finished reading what Wikipedia had to say about him, I was shaking my head in admiration. Check it out:

Possibly my favorite parts of this article are the list of actors who have used Stanislavsky's method (including, but not limited to, Johnny Depp, Adrien Brody, Denzel Washington, Sidney Poitier, and Elizabeth Taylor) and the quote by Stanislavsky that they have at the end:

"Create your own method. Don't depend slavishly on mine. Make up something that will work for you! But keep breaking traditions, I beg you."

"Keep breaking traditions, I beg you." Beautiful. Hilarious. He reminds me of Querada (Son of Interflux, Gordon Korman).

Must return to work now... I am writing about the Second Shepherds' Play (medieval mystery play), listening to Romanian pop music, and thinking of you, gentle reader. ;-) Best of everything!

-- Me


Blogger Pinon Coffee said...

Romanian music makes everything better.

10:14 PM  

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