Saturday, August 11, 2007


Praise God Almighty I'm FREE AT LAST!!!!!!!!

Fire the cannons! Ring out the bells upon this joyous day! Somebody please bring me sparkles, fireworks, suns, galaxies! I want to light up the universe! Oh happy, happy, happy me! I finished "Poetry Analysis"!

Okay, well, technically it's a draft, and technically there's still a lot to be added to it, and technically I still have four equally-dauting documents to go, but I don't care about all that. I have something to put up for the natives so that they won't be restless any more. I can sleep tonight! Oh glorious, wonderful, bliss-crowded moment! Oh the kindness of God and the gladness of me!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rejoice with you!!!!!!!

1:28 PM  
Blogger J. Nathan Matias said...

Calo anor na ven. Nai haryuvalyë melwa rë. No galu govad gen.

4:34 AM  

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