Monday, September 03, 2007

Just Writing To Say "I Can't Write" :-P

Am up to my ears in writing and supporting what I have written for Tapestry.... why are you not surprised? Hopefully the current big hurdle will be passed by the end of this week. Meanwhile Brittainia and I are having a splendid time prancing through the workload. We worked most of Friday evening and then stayed up until 2 AM watching Quo Vadis (a very silly and delightful experience). In the past week we have also seen Stardust with the family (not as good as Princess Bride, but definitely an experience if seen with the right people), rearranged the entire basement (oy!), and on and on. I even found time to order a splendid set of maple bookshelves for my study (GORGEOUS).

So things are progressing and life has its fun moments, and in general I'm really not as much of a workaholic as I appear. Honest. <:0) I just don't have time to write.

A recommendation, however: the High Queen showed me a trailer for Enchanted and I nearly fell over laughing. I can't say "see it!" because I haven't researched to make sure it's clean and good, but I can say "go do the research and find out if you can see it, and then tell me so I can see it too!" Amazing trailer, and a really fun premise for a movie.

That's all for now. Minutes snatched and spent on this post.... I'll be glad I did it when the dust settles. :-)


Blogger sarah said...

Yikes, your post is enough to make me feel quite inert. :D I suppose I've been doing enough... Mostly, I'm just being and absorbing. I'm sure things will pick up again before too long. Mentally and spiritually, it is as though each week marks an aeon in my life right now. I can point to each one for specific decisions and mental processes I have undergone. :D

Mostly, I am relieved to find that God holds firm at all times. As Lisa put it, "When you are thirty you will probably look back at the year after graduation and say, 'I went through Hell that year, but boy, God taught me a lot.'"

11:18 AM  

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