Thursday, September 20, 2007

Marco Polo Quizzes Are More Scandalous Than You Think...

“Okay. Let me bring my genius brain to bear…” – Dad, who has dropped everything and come over from his office to help Casey.
“Um… I really just needed a subheader.” – Casey

“Well, Nate deserves it. With my computer, I’m trying to help him.” – Casey on the relative values of beating up Nate or her computer.

“As we grow and diversify our products, if we ever get to the point where we have a Lampstand Dating Service, can our tag line be ‘all you need is a match?’” – David, being completely random.

“You know, I’ve decided to accept this whole cockroach thing. Instead of fighting it, I’m going to train them up as my Legions of Terror.” – Nate
“I’m a big fan of that.” – David

Yvonne, peering at David’s “updated” website: “You call this ‘enlarging the text’?”
“You should try asking him to bold the text!” – Mom, from the other room
“I’m going to write a book: ‘Don’t Make Me Search.’’” – Yvonne, muttering
“He doesn’t believe in saying ‘Look you here, Sir!’” – Mom
“So, what are you saying?” – David

“May the Force be with you.” – Mom
“It is. I feel it.” – David, happily

“It’s okay, honey. You don’t have to kill yourself.” – Mom
“I was actually just going to get toilet paper…” – Christy
“Okay. That’s a fair trade.” – Mom

“The child is in a blue fuzzy [fuzzy: an overall skintight garment made of terry cloth, popular for children from the 1980’s to the present]! That’s anachronistic!” – Christy, on David’s depiction of Marco Polo on a Tapestry quiz.
“It looks like a blue bunny!” – Casey
“We’re going to go petition the blue bunny department” – Brittainy, going in to speak to David
A few minutes later…
“Look, even naked would work. Cherubic naked children are correct for that time period. You just have to adjust the little kicking legs for modesty. But they didn’t have fuzzies!” – Christy
::David and Brittainy give Christy horrified looks::
“We can’t have it naked!” – David
“Well, how about a christening robe?” – Christy
“See, we’re trying to make it look like a baby…” – David
::They try around a few more ideas::
“Well, if you just drew lines at the feet and hands and turned the middle different colors, it could be clothes.” – Christy
“Or a diaper…” – Brittainy
“Yes! A diaper! That’s good!” – Christy
“Oh. My.” – David, putting a diaper on the baby image.
::Brittainy and Christy, satisfied, exit. Several minutes later….::
“I designed a perfectly good baby. They mocked me and then had me turn it naked! This job gets creepier and creepier all the time.” – David
“Hey! It has a diaper!” – Christy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad.

9:02 PM  

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