Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cutting Loose

Tonight, Brittainy and I cut loose. We took our work to Starbucks for a couple of hours and then watched Hercules---for the first time. Shock and awe. For those who have not experienced this dumbest of dumb Disney movies, I have only two words for you: "Peloponnesian minute."

It was a much-needed break from the strain. We allowed ourselves to be as silly as girls can and laughed a great deal, mostly at in-jokes and old quotes and references. Tonight I was reminded for the upteenth time of the value of a best friend. Also tonight I drank coffee (not the wisest move) and so will be up for several more hours. Oh well.

The next few days will be crucial for our futures in general, but somehow I can't bring myself to worry about it. What do I believe in God for, if I'm going to worry all the time? How does that bring Him glory? Answer: it doesn't, so don't do it. I'm gonna survive. Check that box. So, I figure, the next thing is to survive with joy!

What will I be doing for the next few days? Well, first off, I hope I'll be trusting God. After that, I'll be praying a lot. After that, I'll be cramming my way through the last bits of our current project (tomorrow morning), heading off to attend a birthday party in Frederick (tomorrow afternoon), spending the night with friends up there, doing who-knows-what Friday morning (girliness, doubtless, and probably some work if I can swing it), and wrapping up the unit for my class that afternoon. Phew! At least I don't have triple meetings. Just double meetings. :-P

Then after this weekend comes finishing Unit 3 (yikes), moving house (double yikes), and starting Unit 4 (triple yikes), and all of this by---oh---say---November 15th. Oh yeah, and attending the Feast Night, and talking my kids into actually reading their original poetry aloud to a group of parents. (How am I gonna swing that?) Then too there's the little matter of starting Les Mis...and getting out the unit grades... and... um... oh yes, my birthday happens sometime soon. Gotta plan something appropriate for that, or else my family will lynch me. I've been trying to ignore my birthday since I turned 12, but somehow there are always people who object. Go figure. Mom is the same way, but she always gets talked down too, so I guess I'm in good company.

Anyhow, all this boils down to that Humperdink line... "Frankly, I'm swamped."

I don't really care, though. I'm learning to cut my heart loose from the temptations of complex circumstances and anchor myself in Christ. Let me tell you, dear reader, I can highly recommend that kind of cutting loose. Come on in, the water's fine!


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